Introducing – expert resources for leadership development

Hello and welcome to my new website! I’m excited to share my first article on the site, which discusses a foundational idea of behaviour change. As with any new website, there’s always some work involved in getting it up and running smoothly. While I’m still working out some details, I wanted to take a moment to share my plans for the site moving forward.

My goal

My main objective for this website is to share the knowledge I’ve acquired during my decade-long research on how people can feel good and perform at their best. Initially, during my PhD studies, I focused on individual behaviour change. However, I soon realized that the insights I gained were also relevant to leadership and organisational contexts. As a result, I’ve developed a post-graduate course on wellbeing leadership, and I’m even more enthusiastic about sharing my knowledge, as I know the positive impact it can have.

In addition, I’m interested in establishing long-term partnerships with leaders, teams, and organisations. This website could serve as a platform for those who wish to connect with me and explore potential collaborations.

Topics I plan to cover

Here are some of main topics I plan to cover.


Motivating team members to boost wellbeing and feel energised, rather than burnout.


Cultivating mental fitness and flexibility so people feel good and work well.


Developing the personal and relational skills that make leaders great.


Building a positive culture that enhances performance and wellbeing.


Creating the safety for leaders and team members to be themselves and thrive.


Enabling effective communication,  decision-making, and cooperation in a positive way.


Creating an environment that allows team members to work at their best, innovate, and succeed.


Creating positive changes in behaviour that last while empowering others.


Understanding individual differences in strengths, motivations, and goals and why they matter.

Who is the website for?

My aim is for leaders and those in people and culture roles to find the content on this website particularly valuable. I hope that many of the articles will also be useful to individuals, researchers, and practitioners in a full range of roles. To this end, I will strive to present information clearly and concisely, recognising that time is a precious commodity for all of us.

Writing style and references

The main goal of this website is to make the important ideas that emerge from scientific research more accessible. I aim to present these ideas in a clear, concise, and easy-to-understand manner. So, instead of delving too deeply into the research, I will concentrate on applying the most significant ideas that I have learned from it.

Although my personal electronic library contains well over 10,000 articles and books that have informed my thinking, I don’t want you to have to spend the same amount of time digesting them as I have. Consequently, I’ll limit myself to a few inline hyperlinks to relevant papers or books where it seems appropriate.

Help me write about what matters to you

If there’s something you’d like me to write an article about, let me know in the comments below and I’ll do my best to address it!

Or, if you’d like to leave a message of support, I’d greatly appreciate that too!

Website | + posts

Drawing on over a decade of research into the science of how individuals, leaders, and teams work best, Reuben is a trusted advisor and partner for navigating complex challenges. His articles distil complex ideas and present practical insights, so you don't have to do the research yourself. With an authentic approach and genuine empathy for his clients, Reuben is a valuable asset to any organisation.

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